
  • Tantra of the Yoga Sutras by Alan Finger

    For me, this is where my philosophical journey with Yoga began. ISHTA Yoga offers a perspective of the teachings of the Yoga Sutras through a scientific lens. For me it provided a thought provoking concept of how the universe and we, came to be. For some it might be a simplistic overview but for me it has been a layered journey to fully appreciate the concept and learnings. I re read this often - usually snippets at a time to return to my core understandings and beliefs of how to live my best life.

  • The Genius of Yoga by Alan Finger & Peter Ferko

    This book takes you on a journey of the body to unlock your own pure genius through meditation. It is a practical guide for achieving Samadhi and how to weave the universal intelligence that can be tapped into in meditation back into your life and assist you to unlock your innate brilliance and purpose in life.

  • The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

    The original teachings of Yoga were passed down through the ages verbally. Sri Patanjali Maharishi (Thought of as a singular person but could have been a collective of people using this name) is said to have systemized and compiled these verbal teachings into written form anywhere from 5000 BC to 300 AD. Sutra means ‘thread’ and there are almost 200 of them. Divided into 4 sections these Sutras are the foundation of Raja Yoga - Yoga of the Mind and the teachings underpin most branches of Yoga and are a foundation for living consciously.

  • Ayurveda Life School Podcast

    If you enjoy listening to Podasts, Ayurveda - The Science of Life is an easy listening guide to all things Ayurveda.

  • Everyday Ayurveda at Hale Pule Podcast

    I have enjoyed many of these Podcasts and in addition have participated in online learning sessions with Hale Pule. Myra has such a gentile voice and approach to sharing her first hand knowledge and experiences of the benefits of practicing an Ayurvedic lifestyle.

  • The Daily Practice with Racel Brathen

    If you are looking for an interactive Podcast that can assist you with maintaining a daily attention and awareness of your journey then you might like this one. Yoga Girl - Rachel Brathen has created her own reality and loves to share her journey along with practical ways to bring conscious living into your daily life

  • Anatomy of a Yogi V I&II by Kristen Leal

    Anantomy teacher Kristin Leal is poetic in her approach to education - not to mention the fabulous artwork! She can be followed on Insta and features on various podcasts. Learning Anatomy is a cruicial part of Yoga teacher training and there are many layers to the knowledge. It was so fascinating to me to learn more about how our bodies work and to discover just how amazing they are and how intune with nature they are.

  • Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda

    This is a solid read and one that can be read over and over again. It delves deeply into the incredible life of Paramahansa Yogananda (1893 - 1952). It is a deeply spiritual book that explores the world of saints and yogis, science and miracles, death and resurrection. It is a book I sit with at times and read in chunks but as yet have not finished. I am a works in progress much like my journey with this book.

  • The Radiance Sutras by Lorin Roche

    This poetic journey of the 112 meditations of the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra are a joy to read. I tend to read one at a time and ruminate on it. I love to incorporate various ones in my classes as they add a depth of lightness if that makes sense. They are deep in their meaning yet lighthearted and heart opening in their delivery.

    There is an understanding through the Tantric lens of Yoga that we each have a balance of the feminine (Shakti or Bhairavi) and masculine (Shiva or Bhairava) and these interpretations take you on a dance within between these energetic qualities.